For other uses of Epistemology and theory of knowledge, see Epistemology .... e�pis�te�mol�o�gy ( -p s t -m l -j ). n. The branch of philosophy that studies the ep�i�ste�mic ( p -st m k). adj. Of, relating to, or involving knowledge; cognitive. [e�pis�te�mol�o�gy ( -p s t -m l -j ). n. The branch of philosophy that studies the Dictionary; Thesaurus; Spanish; Medical; Concise Encyclopedia. epistemology. Epistemology definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with 14 Dec 2005 ... Defined narrowly, epistemology is the study of knowledge and justified belief. As Definition of epistemology: Study of the grounds, nature, and origins of Epistemology. The study of theories of knowledge or ways of knowing, Epistemology: (Gr. episteme, knowledge + logos, theory) The branch of
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